Check This Out!

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Anugerah Terindah Ibu

Apakah anugerah terindah ibu?

Dia anak sulung ibu.

Dia yang berikan ibu harapan.

Saturday, 11 January 2014

"Kalau ibu takda, Hannah and Sarah cari ibu tak?"

They were awake after ayah had gone out. Both of them asked, "Ayah mana bu?"
"Ayah keluar kejap." I replied.

I continued asking them,
"Kalau ibu takda, Hannah and Sarah cari tak?"

What do you think they answered?

Friday, 10 January 2014


Free as birds.

Jangan Lupa Ibu

"Apabila sudah jadi hak yang mutlak dan halal milik suami, dan apabila sudah sampai masa ibu sudah tidak memiliki kamu berdua, ibu cuma berharap kalaulah dapat mengingati wajah ini selama-lamanya, sudah cukup buat ibu daripada harta setinggi gunung..."

Although the subject of this photo is out of context, what so special about this photo is the fact it was taken by Hannah and Sarah. Hannah assisted and helped Sarah pressing the shutter button. Edited by ibu of course.

Sunday, 5 January 2014


I miss you baby girls. Today seems to be like the longest day of my life.
Cepatla pukul 3 pm.

A New Year

I received a text from my high-school senior today - who is also my idol in photography - asking me to join this 365 challenge.
In love with the idea, I would love to dedicate this post to her, linking her to her prized possession, her camera- given the fact that Hannah seems to be quite interested in taking photos too. That's why the item is the focus in the photo.
I am also in love with the idea that I could preserve wonderful memories of my prized possession - my children.

To kak Zubye,
thank you for the inspiration. This post is for you.